How to protect a folder from access from anyone, even your administrator

You should go to DOS and rename your folder with the alt code Alt+255 = _
at the beginning of the name.

In DOS Alt+255 will just leave a blank space, but the rename function will
be succesful in Windows interface but it will not allow any user access the
folder until you rename the folder back without the "alt+255" code at the

(in DOS-Command Prompt)

C:\>ren folder _folder (access wil not be possible by ANYONE)

to access again:

C:\>ren _folder folder (folder will be properly restored)

Files or foloder inside the renamed folder will not damaged or get lost, and
won't be available for access either, until you do the proper rename
Great way, to protect a folder in a Network, or public computer. Or even at
home for your "not so public files" ;).


Simple Trick To Lock your Files or Folders without software - works on Xp.ME,98


Hi guys!
This is my first tutorial on windows hacking. Simple trick on
locking your folder or files in windows without any software.
sometimes you may feel to hide ur documents or important data or
some other stuff
you can do it by a locking software or anyother ,but password can
be find out by simple keylogger
here is a better solution to you ,and without any software!

I will consider that u'll know something abt registry and CLSID
value,if u don't know mail me and i'll give u details, and how to
use it.
well i'll make it easier to you,just go to
now what ? u'll see a big list of some garbage value but don't
panic simple go to edit and find the name of folder u want to make
like suppose if u want to make ur folder to MY NETWORK PLACES then
find it and it 'll show you the name on the right hand corner
and look at it thats in a folder whose key must be like
ok half work is done
now u know the CLSID value for network places. main part is here
simply go to the folder u want to lock ,right click on it and
select RENAME
give the name and after that give "." without quoets.and just copy
the key name u got in registry i mean
and press enter ! Bang u'll see ur folder as a my network places
icon click on it u'll see u network settings.but it won't show u
the actual content
now to access that folder just go to dos prompt and rename that
folder e.g (i hope u should know how to raname a File or folder in
dos )

c:>rename mask.{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D} mask

now check ur folder again it 'll show you normal and clickon it to

you can create many folder icons like CONTROL PANEL, MY NEWORK

for more u'll search more u'll find .Here are some of the folders
with their CLSID values

Recycle Bin- {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F9554E}
Network Neighbourhood- {208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-O8002B30309D}
My Computer- {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Control Panel- {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
My Briefcase- {85BBD920-42AO-1069-A2E4-08002B30309D}
History- {FF393560-C2A7-11CF-BFF4-444553540000}
Printers- {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-O8002B0309D}
Dial-up Networking- {992CFFA0-F557-101A-88EC-00DD01CCC48}
Fonts- {BD84B380-8CA2-1069-AB1D-08000948534}

now u can safely lock ur folder from unauthorised access and other
stuff too

Try this out and have fun with ur friends computer to make them

See you next time

email me at

written by

Create files that start with a dot or period


With reference to RaNCiDDeViL's article on 5 July 02

I have a even easier method.

To crate a file that start with a dot or period,
example ".rhost". There is a really simple way.

For win 9x,
1. Click on Start followed by Run
2. Enter "Command" without the quotes.

For NT and W2k,
1. Click on Start followed by Run
2. Enter "Cmd" without the quotes.

Follow these instructions:
1. A Dos prompt appears.
2. Say I want to create a file ".rhost"
3. Type the following command in Dos promt:
edit .rhost
4. A blue screen editor appear and just type in
anything you want.
5. On the menu click on File followed by save.
6. Exit the editor program and there's your ".rhost"


By DaNoiZe:

It's much easier.

Just type at the command prompt :
c:\> copy con .rhost

That will do the trick



by RaNCiDDeViL

did you ever read a tutorial about something with a web server that told you to make a file called ".rhost" or ".htaccess" as if it had no filename and the letters were all in the extention? and windows wouldn't let you make a file with a name like that, right? as usual, there is a way around windows's little restriction.

say you want to make .htaccess
1. make a new text file on the desktop and rename with the "extention" you want, and with a letter in place of the period (hhtaccess or xhtaccess etc). make sure you have windows set to show you all extentions or you won't be getting rid of the .txt!
2. leave the file empty for now (0 bytes).
3. add the file to a new ZIP archive called or something.
4. close WinZip.
5. go to Start Button -> Run and type in the following:
edit /70 c:\windows\desktop\
6. when in the MS-DOS window, first press the Insert or Ins key to set overtype mode. the cursor will change to a blinking box rather than an underscore.
7. you should see the name of your file twice among the rest of the garbage in the file. in the second instance (closer to the end of the file), click directly on the first letter (dummy letter -- h or x or whatever) so it is highlighted by the blinking cursor.
8. type a period, and it will now read ".htaccess"
9. click on the File menu, and select Exit. when it asks you if you would like to save the file, choose Yes.
10. extract the zip file to the desktop or wherever. you now have a file called .htaccess that you can load into Notepad or whatever you want!

NOTE 1: you NEED to have the "/70" switch between the word "edit" and your path/filename to put the program into binary editing mode. otherwise it will save it into text format and it will no longer be a valid ZIP archive (try it -- WinZip will give you an error). actually the switch tells the program how many columns to show (the number can be anything up to 78 -- or higher if you want to have to scroll over). i have no idea why setting the columns switch also puts the editor into binary format but it does! :-) if you are not sure what mode you are in (text or binary), you can tell by looking in the bottom right corner of the program next to where it says what line and column you are at. in binary mode there is a third status bar section called "Value" and in text mode there is just empty space to the right of "Col".

NOTE 2: make sure that when editing the file you do not insert or delete characters -- just use overtype. if the file ends up being more or less bytes than it started out as, you will have a problem. ;-) when you try to open the ZIP file WinZip will say that there is a difference of X bytes from how many there should be, where X is the number of characters you inserted or deleted.


If You Want to Open a Hide File in Network Sharing. Click on "Network
Neighborhood" & then Click on Shared Folder , Go To Address Bar & then
this Command.
Address Bar : ' \\PC Name\XYZ$ '
Your Folder is Open Succesfully.

Now You are Able to See All the Hide Files in the Folders.


Da Weasel.